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When Is the Best Time for Duct Cleaning

If you have concerns about the air ducts attached to your HVAC system, you may be asking questions like: “When is the best time for me to evaluate my ducts for a cleaning appointment? What are the benefits of clean ducts? How often does the service need to be scheduled for the best ongoing results?”

We’re here to help with each of these questions and more. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about scheduling a duct cleaning in York, PA and why the investment is so important. Then, give our team a call when you are ready to get on the calendar for a service appointment.

This is an image of an HVAC technician cleaning some ducks. The headline reads. Is it time to clean your air ducts?

Timing the Service Appointment

Any time of year is good for duct cleaning. Ideally, you want to schedule it for a milder season when you are not relying on the ductwork for heating and cooling against extremely higher or lower outdoor air temperatures. The spring and fall seasons are ideal, but prioritizing the service at any point during the year is better than not doing it at all.

You also want to plan on scheduling the service at a three to five year interval. The precise timing depends on your overall indoor air quality. Having many people living in your house (or a lot of pets) can negatively impact your indoor air quality and make it more likely that you need duct services closer to the three-year mark instead of the five-year mark. 

Signs of Duct Issues

You can also monitor for signs that it is time to schedule duct services. You can complete a visual inspection of your ductwork without attempting to touch or move it and see if you notice any areas of damage. If you notice dings, holes, shifting of duct placement, or broken seals around the connections, you likely need services. 

In fact, in addition to having your ducts cleaned out, you also need to have them repaired and resealed so that they can be completely airtight once again. High energy costs are another sign that you’re experiencing duct problems. Air can escape through damaged sections and wind up in your attic or basement before ever reaching your home.

Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality

If surfaces around your home develop a layer of dust soon after they’ve been wiped down, that’s a sign of duct problems. While air escapes from the ducts, dust and dirt are also getting in through each little crevice. Your indoor air quality can suffer greatly as a result. 

If you’re getting sick more often or suffering from over-the-top allergy symptoms, your ductwork may be to blame as well. All sorts of allergens can make up dust. When you breathe these tiny particles in, they can infiltrate your lungs and sinuses to cause irritation. Duct cleaning is also an investment in your family’s health and well-being.

Contact Regal Plumbing, Heating and A/C to schedule an appointment for duct cleaning in York, PA. Committed to Service, Committed to You, Since 1974.

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